lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

hi again, bye against

Well, after some days late, I'm back here. I'm also back from Lux.
It was a very very good weekend, from wednesday to sunday.
On wednesday I took the flight direction Hahn and I arrived in Lux around 22h. There Darius, Patricia and Liana were ready to go out. We went to Chocolate Elvis, and I started to miss everything again.

The day after I was supposed to go to uni to get my certificate signed but I forgot the paper at Darius' place so i came back to uni for that on friday :S (i guess i will never change) I went to Kirchberg to try to see the results of my exams, and I found Balazs!!! I was so happy to see him and we met on saturday evening to walk in the forest with his wife and his "baba" :D it was quite good. His baby is really beautiful, and also his wife!
Well, i was on... thursday, yes, Conrad told me to go to his residence (not mine anymore) and go with him and the other new people there to a party in Walferdange.
I met the new people in Lucilin, and they are all great, all girls btw, and after 3 hours i felt like i knew them for weeks. Nice all of them.
I met Damien in Walferdange, and Anni, Ben, Lea... Javi and Maria came also... vvvvvery good.

On friday i got my paper signed, finally, and i knew that i failed one exam that i didn't expect, and nowadays i still think that he didn't have the right to make me fail, but i didn't have enough time in Lux to fight for it, so fuck him and fuck me. I was angry for a while but it went away cause there was nothing i could do on friday, saturday or sunday.
Anyway, on friday night there was a party in my 1st and last residence, so i went there. Patricia and Darius went 1st to another party and after they joined. Javi and Maria came there, also Damien and Remus!!! puff... so many people, Liana, Ferdinand, Xavier, Jelena, Samba, Damien, Michael, Moussa, Elisa, Anni, Giorgos, Lea, Conrad, Anne, Julia, Cristina, Suzanne, Bybliana, Kinga and maybe more. I have to thank them all for been there with me. And thank Xavier who made the party knowing that i was coming to Lux that weekend.

On Saturday we went to The tube where it was also Matt :D:D with Dudu, Jelena, Darius, Patricia, Julia, Cristina, Damien and a friend of Patricia. I was quite tired before going out but i didn't regret in the end. After The Tube closed, we tried in Hollerich, but everything was closed as well, so we went to Darius' place all together where we ate pizza he he and that was all.
On Sunday I packed the rest of my things and chill a bit. In the afternoon I went to the park with Conrad and Jelena; it was 18º!!! the sun was perfect but short. Thus i said goodbye to them.
On monday morning i left direction Hahn again, so I wcame back almost for the last time. Nobody really knows if i will be back there one day.
Kuss fur alle.

P.S. I loved Conrad's new room.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008

Welcome to my memories

El próximo dia 20 me vuelvo a Lux por unos dias, a recoger las cosas que me dejé allí (que es la mitad de lo que tenía) y a arreglar unos papeles ya de paso.
Me puse tristecilla cuando me volví el 6 de febrero, así que puede que estos dias, al final, produzcan el mismo efecto. Pero bueno, nunca se sabe.
Intentaré aprovechar los dias que tengo alli, encontrarme con la gente que me importa y que me quiere, solucionar lo del certificado, ver mis notas y hablar con profesores si encarta.
Y me pierdo los primeros dias del cuatrimestre, mola! mas vacaciones, hihihi
Ah! desde aqui quiero desear mucha suerte a los Erasmus de 2º cuatrimestre, como los de Austria, que tienen que cambiar de universidad. Suerte!

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

I won't be saved

I guess that, now that my erasmus is done, i won't write here, at least as much as i used to. I may write, but only if it has sth to do with Lux, the people i met there or the erasmus stuff.
So goodbye everyone, viel glük und vise placute.

Last dance

On Monday i was already kind of sad about the departure and so on. But tuesday was much worse, as u can imagine. I went to Darius' for lunch, which was more than great; and in the evening people said goodbye each other because Erna, Judith and me were leaving the next day. Anika, Danka and Judith came to our residence to make handmade pizzas, and Christoph, Conrad, Damien, Darius, Javi, Maria, JOhanna and George also came to be with us.
It was a succesful nite becuase i saw people caring about me, already missing me, as much as i did. I had the chance to say goodbye in a very good dinner, i made photos, i join to StudiVZ and i got some goodbye presents ;) thanks a lot.
I didn't cry then, but i did it before and after. I had and still have a bunch of feelings inside, most of them i can recognize but some others i don't. I hope that i can forget those things that hurts me because of the missing, and get conclusions before i come back on the 22nd.

P.S. ya pondré algunas fotos del último dia en Lux.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

Ich bin gut zu Hause angekommen

Ya estoy aquí, de vuelta.
La verdad es que no estoy feliz por todo lo que me he dejado alli y por saber que nunca mas volveré a vivir de esa manera.
Pero tengo que aclarar que hoy me he duplicado, una Ana se ha quedado en Luxemburgo y la otra está aquí en Málaga escribiendo.
En otro momento contaré como fue el último día en Lux.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Karneval in Köln

Este fin de semana he estado en Colonia.
Dado el dia en el que estamos, no puedo estar muy feliz como para contar como ha ido en el carnaval, ya que me voy en menos de 2 dias. Pero expresaré con las palabras de las que dispongo ahora cómo ha ido el fin de semana.
El jueves tuvimos una fiesta aquí en la resi, que no fue muy exitosa por que no vino mucha gente, pero los que estuvimos lo pasamos genial. Fue una noche increible, y ya sentí la despedida esa noche.
El viernes salimos por la tarde a eso de las 16h hacia colonia con el coche de Darius, él, Matt y yo.
Yo hice de buen copiloto y los guié hacia Bonn, very successful. Como no pudimos encontrar sitio en el albergue de Köln, tuvimos que buscar en Bonn.
El albergue estaba super bien, parecia un hotelillo con bathroom individual too. Los "niños" dormian en una habitacion y yo en otra distinta.
El mismo viernes fuimos a Bonn a eso de las 20h; pagamos 2,30€ por el bus y 6,35€ por el tren, nos comimos un showarma en Bonn justo antes de subir al tren y cuando vimos que todo el mundo iba disfrazado, decidimos hacer algo al respecto. La cosas es que decidimos que nos disfrazariamos el sabado y el viernes mirariamos primero como estaba el plan. Pero en el tren decidimos "disfrazarnos". Darius told me to carry my make-up stuff, so i did it. And it was a good idea; i drew a kind of smile in my face and some vertical lines coming from the eyes and down; and for Darius i drew some horizontal lines like he was an indian or something. It was enough, i guess. We walked in the city watching everthing, looking to the people, dressed up and listen to music from a kind of band which was playing in the street.

Then we went into a pub which had a very good DJ and we stayed all the night there. We met many people there and i got my jacket stolen too, and also Darius's phone. Afterthat i wanted to go back to the hostel so we did it, but i got frozen in the way, really. Luckly i had another jacket so i could stand the weekend.
On saturday we woke up late, as u can guess, and went to a supermarket to buy things to eat. There, Darius got a Cowboy hat which fitted him perfectly.

That night was the night for us to be dressep up. Matt didn't dress up, Darius took his cowboy hat and i took my stuff to be the "pink cowboy", that i bought in Lux. This time we didn't pay the bus, jiji, either the train, jiji, becuase nonody was checking for nobody's tickets :D:D The train was crowded.
We got to the city and we went to the same pub, after the boys made a "visit" to the river XD

That night was better that the other, we met more people and nothing was stolen from us :D
We went to bed at in the morning and we had to wake up at 10.30 because they were kicking us off the hostel.
We went also to Maastrich on Sunday where there was also carnival, and where i saw maybe better customs. I'm glad that we went there too.

After lunchtime we came back to Lux; we were exhausted; and i went to bed at 20h, i fell aslept while i was watching an episode of The Tudors, and i woke up at 10 sth, so i slept 14h :O never happened to me, but it's ok.
Ha sido un fin de semana espectacular, uno de esos que tanto echaré de menos.

P.S. ya he puesto algunas fotos :)

martes, 22 de enero de 2008

I'm not going to write you a love song

Ya estoy a mitad de mis exámenes, y el balance por ahora parece que es 2-1, y no sabemos quien lleva la delantera.

Algunas cosas van poco a poco mejorando por aquí, como mi amistad con Conrad o mi concentración para estudiar, pero otras empeoran, como el tiempo que me queda aquí o mi habilidad en el Guitar Hero.
La resi se empieza a llenar de nuevo... bueno... digamos que han venido 4 personas más, lo que es un avance por que antes eramos 6 o así.
No es este un momento muy bueno, en cuanto a ánimos, para escribir un párrafo extenso donde se diga lo bueno de la Erasmus, y las fiestas que nos estamos pegando... por que tampoco es así. Estamos enclaustrados, y gracias podemos dar si alguna vez salimos a que nos de el aire un poco. Como yo, que ayer fui a la filarmónica con Conrad y las niñas de Walferdange.
Lo bueno es que lo 1º malo acaba el lunes, para mí, pues acabo mis exámenes, pero lo 2º malo está aún por llegar, en 15 días.
Lo 2º malo es lo más malísmimo de todo, pero tampoco voy a hacer un drama.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2008

Januarexams! argh!

Desde que llegué a Lux después de las navidades no he tenido clases. Y es que no hay clases!! Esta bien por que así hay tiempo para estudiar y no es como en Málaga que a veces tienes 3 días desde que cortan las clases hasta tu primer examen, sí, ya sabes a lo que me refiero.

La foto es de la biblioteca de Limpersberg. Increible no? Está guay estudiar alli, encima de todos, en la parte de filosofia. Pero anda que es rara; habrá como mucho 12 mesas abajo, muy distinto a España. Será que aquí la gente estudia en casita.

Bueno, continuando con los estudios... ahora estoy estudiando Sistemas Operativos, y vaya coñazo :S ¿quien dijo que a los Erasmus les pasaban la mano? eso no ocurre en Lux.
De fiestas ahora ando escasa, cosa que tampoco me disgusta del todo por que así estudio mas y no pierdo tiempo en dormir mas por haber salido el dia anterior; pero se hacen y se harán excepciones ;)

Hoy he visto a Jana, que ha venido a recoger todas sus cosas de su habitacion :( y no va a volver; quiza la veamos un dia de estos para un par de examenes que tiene, y sino! la veré en Málaga, por que va a ir a visitar a una amiga que tiene alli y, de paso, por me verá a mi! mola!
besitos Jana :*

martes, 1 de enero de 2008

what's hot in 2008?

What will we have on this new year?

MMVIII will be a leap year, Schaltjahr.
In Chinese astrology from February 7, 2008 will be the Year of the Rat
Chipre and Malta will adopt the euro.
We could see a total lunar eclipse in February, Totale Mondfinsternis.
Spanish general election in March.
The King of Spain will be 70.
UEFA Euro 2008 Championship tournament in Switzerland and Austria.
The 2008 Summer Olympics will take place in Beijing (Pekín), China.
There will be the presidential election in USA to elect the 44th President of the USA.
30th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, 1978.
New films like Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park IV, Saw V, Star Trek, High School Musical 3, The Chronicles of Narnia, Bond 22, Scary Movie 5, Harry Potter...
New albums from Madonna, Metallica, Simple Plan, El Canto del Loco...
150th aniversary of the apparition in Lourdes.
30th aniversary of Subway of Lyon.
World Youth Day will occur in Sydney.
Scientists give a 1 in 25 chance that asteroid 2007 WD5 will hit the planet Mars on january.
Internation Expo 2008 in Zaragoza, Spain.
Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, Viggo Mortensen, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin, Anette Bening, Andie MacDowell, Tim Robbins, Luz Casal y Lolita Flores will be 50 in 2008.


Feliz Año 2008 a todos!!

Espero que hayáis pasado unas buenas navidades rodeados de las personas que más os importan, que hayáis sido bueno para tener regalitos en Papa Noel o los Reyes, y que el 2008 sea mejor, siempre, que el 2007.
Muchos besos a todos.