martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

Karneval in Köln

Este fin de semana he estado en Colonia.
Dado el dia en el que estamos, no puedo estar muy feliz como para contar como ha ido en el carnaval, ya que me voy en menos de 2 dias. Pero expresaré con las palabras de las que dispongo ahora cómo ha ido el fin de semana.
El jueves tuvimos una fiesta aquí en la resi, que no fue muy exitosa por que no vino mucha gente, pero los que estuvimos lo pasamos genial. Fue una noche increible, y ya sentí la despedida esa noche.
El viernes salimos por la tarde a eso de las 16h hacia colonia con el coche de Darius, él, Matt y yo.
Yo hice de buen copiloto y los guié hacia Bonn, very successful. Como no pudimos encontrar sitio en el albergue de Köln, tuvimos que buscar en Bonn.
El albergue estaba super bien, parecia un hotelillo con bathroom individual too. Los "niños" dormian en una habitacion y yo en otra distinta.
El mismo viernes fuimos a Bonn a eso de las 20h; pagamos 2,30€ por el bus y 6,35€ por el tren, nos comimos un showarma en Bonn justo antes de subir al tren y cuando vimos que todo el mundo iba disfrazado, decidimos hacer algo al respecto. La cosas es que decidimos que nos disfrazariamos el sabado y el viernes mirariamos primero como estaba el plan. Pero en el tren decidimos "disfrazarnos". Darius told me to carry my make-up stuff, so i did it. And it was a good idea; i drew a kind of smile in my face and some vertical lines coming from the eyes and down; and for Darius i drew some horizontal lines like he was an indian or something. It was enough, i guess. We walked in the city watching everthing, looking to the people, dressed up and listen to music from a kind of band which was playing in the street.

Then we went into a pub which had a very good DJ and we stayed all the night there. We met many people there and i got my jacket stolen too, and also Darius's phone. Afterthat i wanted to go back to the hostel so we did it, but i got frozen in the way, really. Luckly i had another jacket so i could stand the weekend.
On saturday we woke up late, as u can guess, and went to a supermarket to buy things to eat. There, Darius got a Cowboy hat which fitted him perfectly.

That night was the night for us to be dressep up. Matt didn't dress up, Darius took his cowboy hat and i took my stuff to be the "pink cowboy", that i bought in Lux. This time we didn't pay the bus, jiji, either the train, jiji, becuase nonody was checking for nobody's tickets :D:D The train was crowded.
We got to the city and we went to the same pub, after the boys made a "visit" to the river XD

That night was better that the other, we met more people and nothing was stolen from us :D
We went to bed at in the morning and we had to wake up at 10.30 because they were kicking us off the hostel.
We went also to Maastrich on Sunday where there was also carnival, and where i saw maybe better customs. I'm glad that we went there too.

After lunchtime we came back to Lux; we were exhausted; and i went to bed at 20h, i fell aslept while i was watching an episode of The Tudors, and i woke up at 10 sth, so i slept 14h :O never happened to me, but it's ok.
Ha sido un fin de semana espectacular, uno de esos que tanto echaré de menos.

P.S. ya he puesto algunas fotos :)

1 comentario:

@lvaro dijo...

Yo quiero irme de erasmusssss, por cierto con eso de que no bebias, no veas en LUX si te ha cundio, levantandote a las 14.00 vaya tela.
Por cierto deja los tudors menuda ruina de serie